The European Society of Digestive Oncology cordially welcomes National Societies and Groups dedicated to digestive oncology to become members of ESDO.
The logo of your Society is placed on the ESDO website and linked to your Society´s website.
You are invited to introduce your Society on the ESDO website.
Your Society´s activities are listed in the ESDO/UEG calendar of events.
Selected topics or announcements of your Society are published in the ESDO newsletter (sent out monthly to our growing ESDO member database).
You are eligible to host and/or co-organise ESDO events.
You are eligible to apply for ESDO´s label and/or support of educational activities of your Society.
Upon referring to ESDO National Society Membership you are eligible to use the ESDO logo on your website and respective printed matters.
Two pre-nominated Representatives of your Society are entitled to vote in the ESDO General Assembly.
ESDO logo and link will be placed on your Society website.
ESDO will be allowed to regularly inform individual members of your Society. Either
a) ESDO receives updated contact details of individual members and informs them directly or
b) ESDO newsletters, calls, etc. will be circulated to the individual members by your Society or
c) ESDO gets a dedicated area on your Society webpage (to introduce ESDO, to publish newsletters, events, etc.)
ESDO activities will be listed in your calendar of events
ESDO promotion material will be distributed on the occasion of societies activities (costs for shipment to be paid by ESDO)
Payment of symbolic membership fee in the amount of EUR 300 per year / per society
To become a Society Member of ESDO, please download the application form and send it - together with your Society statutes - to the ESDO Office in Vienna.
VIA EMAIL to info(at), or
VIA FAX to +43 1 407 82 74, or
European Society of Digestive Oncology, ESDO
c/o WMA
Alser Strasse 4
1090 Vienna, Austria
Applications are submitted to the ESDO Governing Board and the ESDO General Assembly for approval.
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