ESDO cooperates with national digestive oncology associations and other local or European groups in the field of digestive oncology to stimulate high-quality scientific exchange and multidisciplinary education. Our portfolio comprises different types of cooperation:

ESDO Labelled Meetings

Labelled Meetings are educational meetings organised by other associations or groups. After the evaluation by the ESDO Governing Board that the proposed program is of a high academic standard, ESDO grants the ESDO Label and promotes the event. Do you want to apply for the ESDO Label for your meeting? Click here to download the application form. Completed applications must be submitted to ESDO at least 3 months prior to the event.

ESDO Supported Meetings

Supported Meetings are educational meetings proposed, organised and financed by a third party. After the evaluation by the ESDO Governing Board that the proposed programme is of a high academic standard, ESDO can grant the event support and promotion and send a maximum of 2-3 speakers from ESDO. The multidisciplinary ESDO Lecturer Pool comprises excellent and internationally renowned experts in the field of GI Cancer. Do you want to apply for ESDO Meeting Support? Click here to download the application form. Completed applications must be submitted to ESDO at least 6 months prior to the event.

ESDO Partnership Meetings

Partnership Meetings are contractual joint venture events between ESDO and other associations or groups that promote high quality education in the field of digestive oncology. ESDO has to  be represented in the Scientific Committee and in the faculty. Please contact the ESDO Office for more information. 

ESDO Meetings

ESDO Meetings organised by ESDO office focus on high quality education in the field of digestive oncology. ESDO is entirely responsible for the programme. Please contact the ESDO Office for sponsorships and more information. 

UEG Online Education

Virtual Meetings and online courses organised by UEG - United European Gastroenterology and their partners, covering the majority of topics from the interdisciplinary fields of Gastroenterology. UEG is responsible for the programme.

Upcoming Educational Meetings


Research, ESDO Partnership Meeting

Evidence-based Participatory Decision Making for Colorectal Cancer Prevention


ONCODIR is developing a platform based on artificial intelligence and privacy principles. It will provide recommendation services based on input from citizens, clinicians and policy-makers. We will consider factors such as lifestyle, nutrition and economics. To validate the ONCODIR results, we will conduct laboratory tests and pilots in five EU countries that will involve medical scientists, healthcare providers, foundations and consortium experts and will consider cost-effectiveness, affordability and cost-benefit parameters. The ONCODIR consortium consists of partners from diverse technological and scientific domains with a strong research capacity. ONCODIR is part of the Cancer Mission cluster of projects focused on prevention and early detection.”

ESDO is proud to be a partner of this programme.

Look for details on the ONCODIR website





Research, ESDO Partnership Meeting

A European “Shield” against Colorectal Cancer


ONCOSCREEN project plans to develop a ground-breaking set of technologies and methods for colorectal cancer screening and to improve its early detection. In close cooperation with other Mission Cancer projects, ONCOSCREEN will provide solutions for risk-stratified cancer screening programmes for citizens, an integrated diagnostic decision support tool for clinicians as well as intelligent monitoring tools for policy makers. The project will collaborate closely with national cancer mission hubs to facilitate policy dialogue on cancer and related research actions.

ESDO is proud to be a partner of this programme.

Look for details on the ONCOSCREEN website




EAGEN-ESDO live webinar 1 April 2025, CHU Nantes

ESDO Partnership Meeting

"Immunotherapy in Digestive Cancers: Where are we today?”


Together with the European Association for Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Nutrition EAGEN, it is our pleasure to invite you to this live webinar on 1 April 2025 from 17:30 - 18:45 CET

Chair & moderation: Dr. Tamara Matysiak-Budnik and Dr. Manon Allaire


please have a look at the programme and register free of charge



ENTERO Policy event 24 April 2025 at European Parliament, Brussels

<a title="Adrian Grycuk / CC BY-SA 3.0 PL (" href=""><img width="512" alt="Centrum Onkologii w Warszawawie 2016" src=""></a>

ESDO Labelled Meeting

ESDO is delighted to endorse the ENTERO Policy Event on 24 April 2025 at the European Parliament in Brussels, addressing the rising challenge of early-age onset digestive cancers

Organised by DiCE and co-hosted by MEP Romana Jerković and MEP Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis, this meeting will focus on policy actions to ensure better outcomes and equity for young patients and their families across Europe

See more and register at the meeting website


ESDO is delighted to endorse the ENTERO Policy Event on 24 April 2025 at the European Parliament in Brussels, addressing the rising challenge of early-age onset digestive cancers

Organised by DiCE and co-hosted by MEP Romana Jerković and MEP Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis, this meeting will focus on policy actions to ensure better outcomes and equity for young patients and their families across Europe

See more and register at the meeting website




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